Woodson always wears his happy pants to AFD!
Here's Royko giving a smile, no really, he's smiling!!
Lulu and Maysa get rowdy on the playground. Carmichael (in back) is wondering if Lulu can see him from there.
Ruby and Lyncoln are patiently awaiting the next kong toss.
Maya (left) is Bjork's new baby sister. We've been ooohing and aaahing over her, and kissing and hugging and squeezing her relentlessly!
Millie is whispering things into Woodson's ear, which he passes along to Mugs. Woodson thinks it's always best to do these things laying down.
The race is on! Sorry Mugs, you'll never beat our super speedy Italian Greyhound Chico!
MORT, MORT, MORT, that's really all there is to say!
Here's Mugs mug. Oh my, it's so hard to type while experiencing these dramatic bouts of hysterical laughter! Thanks for that Mugs!
Ryno aspires to be a judge on American Idol one day!