Saturday, September 02, 2006

Summer may be almost over, but daycare's going strong!

Handsome Chow Bjork takes a break in the shade.

We have a lot of new dogs to introduce this week, so why don't we start with this little sweet thing. Her name is Kismet, and she's a Puggle puppy. She's our very first GIRL puggle, and we couldn't be more excited about her. The boy puggles welcomed her in fine style on her first day!

Our darlin' Budha The Bulldog goes for a swim in Lake AFD!

Another new kid on the block, Harry the Black Lab. He's still just a young 'un, and he takes to daycare and all his new buddies like a chimp to bananas. He's having a blast!

And speaking of bananas, meet Bananas! He's a an adorable ShihTzu who's actually been coming on the bus for a couple months, but we just got a photo this week. Check him out. SO CUTE!!

And Bananas snuck into this photo with our new guy Cosmo. He is a total champ in the yard, and the king of all 'chase me' games. He can run like the wind, but we somehow got him to hold still for a second and captured his handsome mug on film.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Goodbye, Russell Sprout! It just won't be the same without you.

Let the lights of All For Doggies be dimmed and the daycare dogs wear black crepe collars. Our darlin' Russell is no longer coming on the bus every single blessed day. Changes in the family led them to a tough decision, and daycare was no longer an option. Total and complete bummer for us, becuase we love this little guy to pieces. He is the Big Man on the yard, the dude in charge of daycare. Don't let his small stature fool you, everyone defers to this guy. We hope against hope that he'll come back someday, just for a visit or a snuggle, but until then, we'll miss him like the dickens. Take good care, Mr. Russell!